What is Pool Floc and How Do I Floc My Pool?
Frustrated with stubbornly cloudy pool water that won’t clear up, no matter how much you run the filter? When dirt, oils, and other tiny particles linger in your pool, they can create a persistent haze that’s hard to eliminate with regular cleaning alone. Pool floc is the solution that quickly gathers these particles.
Pool floc, short for flocculant, is a chemical treatment used to clear cloudy pool water by clumping together fine particles, such as dirt and debris, that are too small for the filter to catch. Once these particles bind together, they sink to the bottom of the pool, making them easier to vacuum out. Pool floc is highly effective for quickly improving water clarity but requires manual vacuuming to remove the settled debris.
Follow these straightforward instructions to effectively “floc” your pool, restoring crystal-clear water without the hassle of endless filtering.
Turn off the pump.
Put the filter valve to the recirculate/whirlpool setting.
Turn the pump back on.
Add floc into the skimmer.
Allow to circulate for 2 hours.
Turn the pump off.
Put the filter valve back on the filter setting.
Leave the pool off for 12-48 hours or until the bottom is visible and, if not visible by 48 hours, turn the pump back on and bring a water sample to the store.
Vacuum the pool on the waste/drain setting.
Be sure to overfill the pool before vacuuming because you will lose water during the vacuuming process.
Be sure to retest the pool water after vacuuming.
Purchase your water testing kit today and look for other chemicals and products you will need on our online store. Still have questions or need help? Give your local pool stores near me a call or contact us today.